John A Lewis - Social Documentary - does it make a difference?

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This event was held on Monday 28th November 2022 at Hermitage Centre

Social documentary is an area of photography which can make a real difference to people's lives. The presentation looks at the historic perspective of social documentary and some of the key practitioners in the twentieth century.  The presentation finishes with a look at some social documentary projects and provides some ideas for your own projects.

Lacking a truly precise definition, Documentary Photography is best thought of as an umbrella term that encompasses many styles and themes including: Social Documentary; Conservation Photography; Ethnographic Photography; War Photography; the photo essay; New Documents; and Social Landscape photography. What unites these styles at basis is the principle that the camera is in essence a machine for recording reality. Though one cannot say it is objective, the intention of the documentary photographer is to bring to light some otherwise hidden reality or injustice. Stylistically, documentarians typically favor sharply focused and/or pure images, that eschew darkroom manipulation or forgery. Other genres of photography, including Street Photography and Photojournalism, sometimes include particular works that are considered documentary images, though both genres primarily focus on capturing a moment, or split second whether that be an encounter on a street or a moment of breaking news.